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Posting is free for members, and $100.00 for non-members. If you are a member, log in to the members only section first to process your free posting.

Personal Profile Information
User Name *
Password *
First Name *
Last Name *
Business Name
E-mail Address *
Street Address 1 *
Street Address 2
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Country *
Phone *
Professional Profile Information
Web Address (URL)
Brief Bio / Description of Programs you Teach
Areas of Expertise  
Industry (16):
(Choose all that apply)
Aerospace (4)
Agriculture (24)
Automotive (23)
Beverage (25)
Bio-Technology (26)
Chemical (27)
Cosmetics (28)
Electronics (29)
Food/Bulk (31)
Food/Institutional (32)
Food/Retail (30)
Furniture (33)
Glassware/Ceramics (34)
Hardware (35)
Hazardous Materials (36)
Health and Beauty Aids (37)
Industrial (38)
Mail Order (39)
Marine (40)
Medical Device (41)
Military (42)
Pharmaceutical (43)
Retail Products (44)
Textiles (45)
Toys/Games (46)
Materials/Containers/Package Forms (17):
(Choose all that apply)
Adhesives (47)
Aerosols (48)
Aluminum Foil (49)
Bags and Sacks (50)
Barrier Materials (51)
Blister Packaging (52)
Bottles/Glass (53)
Bottles/Plastic (54)
Cans/Composite (55)
Cans/Metal (56)
Carded Packages (57)
Cartons/Folding (58)
Child-Resistant Packaging (59)
Closures (60)
Corrugated Containers (61)
Crates and Boxes (62)
Cushioning Materials (63)
Drums and Pails (64)
Film (65)
Microwave Packaging (66)
Pallets (67)
Paper (68)
Paperboard (69)
Plastics (70)
Pouches, Form/Fill/Seal (71)
Tubes (72)
Other (19):
(Choose all that apply)
Acquisitions/Divestitures (90)
Air Freight (91)
CAD, Graphic (93)
CAD, Structural (94)
Cargo Loss Control (92)
Corrosion Prevention (95)
Cushioning, Design (96)
Damage Control (97)
Display Package Design (98)
Economics (99)
Electro-Static Discharge (100)
Environmental-Disposal (127)
Environmental-Legislation (128)
Environmental-Recycling (126)
Environmental-Reuse (125)
Environmental-Source Reduction (124)
Feasibility Studies (101)
Graphic Design (102)
Import/Export Packaging (103)
ISO 9000 (129)
Machinery Design (104)
Machinery Specification (105)
Management (106)
Marketing Research (107)
Packaging Software (130)
Packaging Specifications (131)
Patents (108)
Print Production (109)
Promotional Package Design (110)
Regulatory Issues, FDA (111)
Regulatory Issues, Other (112)
Shelf Life Studies (113)
Solid Waste Issues (114)
Statistical Process Control (115)
Strategic Planning (116)
Tamper Evidence (117)
Technology Evaluation (118)
Testing-Materials (119)
Testing-Package Performance (120)
Training (121)
Transportation Environment (122)
Warehousing (123)
Processes (18):
(Choose all that apply)
Aseptic Packaging (73)
Bar Coding (74)
Bulk Packaging (75)
Clean Room Packaging (76)
Converting (77)
Handling Systems (78)
Irradiation (79)
Line Design (80)
Line Integration (81)
Machine Vision (82)
Modified/Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (83)
Printing (84)
Quality Control (85)
Retort Packaging (86)
Robotics (87)
Sterilized Packaging (88)
Unitizing (89)
Program Length
(Choose all that apply)
1-2 hours
2-4 hours
Full Day
Less than 1 hour
Geographic Availability:
(Choose all that appy)
*Local only*
East Coast US
Eastern Canada
Midwest US
Mountain US
Northeast US
Northwest US
Southeast US
Southern US
Southwest US
West Coast US
Western Canada
Support Documents  
Document One

(upload bio/resume or course descriptions as word, pdf, text, or rtf files)
Document Two

(upload bio/resume or course descriptions as word, pdf, text, or rtf files)
Payment Information
Posting Fee: $100.00
If you are a member, log in to process your free posting.

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