Institute of Packaging Professionals
12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 200
Herndon, VA 20170
©2025 Institute of Packaging Professionals. All rights reserved.
Statement of Anti-Trust Compliance
The Board of Directors of the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP) has publicly stated its support for the policy of competition served by Federal antitrust laws, and its intent to comply strictly with these laws. In support of the Statement, the officers of the Institute of Packaging Professionals make the following requests of attendees at all IoPP sponsored meetings:
The Institute of Packaging Professionals is a not-for-profit society organized to serve and advance the profession of packaging. Its purpose is to provide, through its technical committees, chapters, and other activities, a common meeting ground where manufacturers and users of packaging materials, equipment and services can become informed of current technical developments and share professional interests. IoPP is not intended to, and may not, play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employers, nor in any way restrict competition among package users or manufacturers in any of the industries it serves.
Through its seminars, educational courses, chapter and technical committee meetings, and other activities, IoPP brings together representatives of competitors in many manufacturing areas. Although the subject matter of IoPP activities is normally technical in nature, and although the purpose of these activities is principally educational and there is no attempt to restrain competition in any manner, nevertheless the Board of Directors recognizes the possibility that the Institute and its activities could be seen by some as an opportunity for anticompetitive conduct. For this reason, the Board takes the opportunity, through this Statement of Policy, to make clear its unequivocal support for the policy of competition served by the antitrust laws and its uncompromising intent to comply strictly in all respects with these laws.
In addition to the Institute's firm commitment to the principle of competition served by the antitrust laws, the penalties which may be imposed upon both the Institute and its individual and corporate members involved in any violation of the antitrust laws are so severe that good business judgment demands that every effort be made to avoid such violation. Certain crimes for which individuals may be imprisoned for up to three (3) years or fined up to $100,000, or both, and corporations can be fined up to $1 million for each offense. In addition, treble damage claims by private parties (including class actions) for antitrust violations are extremely expensive to litigate and can result in judgments of a magnitude which could destroy the Institute and seriously affect the financial interest of its members.
It shall be the responsibility of every member of IoPP to be guided by the Institute's policy of strict compliance with the antitrust laws in all IoPP activities. It shall be the special responsibility of committee chairpersons, Institute officers, and officers of chapters to insure that this policy is known and adhered to in the course of activities pursued under their leadership.
To assist the IoPP staff and all of its officers, directors, and committee and chapter officers in recognizing situations which may raise the appearance of an antitrust problem, the Board will as a matter of policy furnish to each such persons the Institute's General Rules and Antitrust Compliance. Should questions arise as to the manner in which the antitrust laws may apply to the activities of IoPP or any committee or chapter thereof, such questions shall be directed to IoPP headquarters.
Antitrust compliance is the responsibility of every IoPP member. Any knowing violation of the IoPP General Rules of Antitrust Compliance or this general policy by an IoPP member will result in that person's suspension from membership in the Institute, and removal from any Institute office held.
The following rules are applicable to all IoPP activities, and must be observed in all situations and under all circumstances without exception or qualification other than as noted below:
Address all questions concerning antitrust policy and guidelines to:
Executive Director
Institute of Packaging Professionals
12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 200
Herndon, VA 20170 USA