The Packaging Policy Precipice: Challenges or Opportunities?

Thursday, June 15
11 AM - 12 PM (EST) 

If you're a packaging professional looking to learn more about the industry's policy efforts, join us on June 15 for the webinar, The Packaging Policy Precipice: Challenges or Opportunities? to hear from AMERIPEN Executive Director Dan Felton, who will discuss the organization's current efforts regarding policy and mandates affecting packaging. 

You'll gain insight into the challenges and opportunities you and your company face regarding package design, sustainability goals, and initiatives. Learn more about what's happening in the U.S. with mandates for packaging producer responsibility, labeling, and recycled content. Plus, find out how you can become involved in shaping the most favorable outcomes for your company and the packaging industry. 

Register now and get one step closer to becoming an expert on packaging policy.



  • IoPP members: FREE 
  • IoPP affiliates and nonmembers: $99 

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Dan Felton - Executive Director, AMERIPEN

Dan Felton has been a well-known leader in the government affairs arena for more than 20 years and has worked within the bottled water, credit card, healthcare, and information management industries. 

He is passionate about environmental, sustainability, and packaging issues and has lobbied extensively in those areas at the state and federal levels. 

As executive director at the American Institute for Packaging and the Environment (AMERIPEN), he oversees the development and advocacy of packaging-related issues in the U.S., using sound scientific principles and a philosophy of material neutrality.


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