Competition FAQs

Why should I enter?

Because participating in the Student AmeriStar Award competition is an excellent way to build a network of colleagues or mentors and get noticed by the biggest names in the packaging business!


What projects can I enter?

You can enter any package design project you’ve produced that address a consumer problem or need.


Is there a cost to enter?

No. Student AmeriStar entries are free for undergraduate or graduate students. IoPP membership is not required to submit an entry. 


What are the categories?

Student AmeriStar submissions are judged within the categories available to the professional AmeriStar submissions, excluding Sustainability and Save Food.

Two of our newest categories, Best in Show and Design Excellence in Food Packaging, are eligible for a $1,000 prize, sponsored by IoPP Gold Partner Sabert. There is only one prize winner for each category. 


How will my entry be judged?

Your Student AmeriStar entry will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Package Performance (Does your package provide a consumer benefit in how it delivers the product?)
  • Marketing (Does your package improves the products image and improve the market appeal of the product?)
  • Product Protection (Does the package deliver the product to consumers while adequately protecting the product from damage?)
  • Innovation (Does your package use a new package technology/design or creatively use existing technology to provide innovation?)
  • Environmental Impact (Does your package provide a solution that considers how it will impact the environment?)
  • Economics (Does this package provide a cost-effective solution to a consumer need?)


What are the entry requirements?

  • Product description
    • You'll need to submit a video (preferred) or PowerPoint presentation (.pdf format), presenting your design and describing how it meets the judging criteria.
  • Visuals
    • You can include up to four (4) high-resolution photos of the package in .jpeg.png or .AI format. 

Still have questions? Let us know!
