Online Store


Ebook - Medical Device Packaging

New to IoPP’s bookstore, Medical Device Packaging is a new eBook researched and written by 18 foremost engineering experts in healthcare and medical device packaging.

If you need a roadmap for completing packaging development, qualification, and verifications and validations needed to comply with the packaging standards and requirements within the highly regulated medical device industry, this eBook is a must in your reference library.

After purchasing the eBook of Medical Device Packaging, you can access it here using your IoPP login credentials

Member Price: $169.00
Non-Member Price: $185.00
In Stock



Ebook - Fundamentals of Packaging Technology-6th Edition

IoPP's Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, 6th Edition contains a reorganized and expanded discussion on sustainability, the circular economy, packaging law, a more in-depth discussion of e-commerce, additional online resources, and updated information on technical considerations, standards, and testing procedures throughout.

If you purchased the eBook of Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, 6th Edition, you can access it here using your IoPP login credentials

If you prefer a hard-copy edition, click here to purchase the printed version

Item No: FUND6E
Member Price: $299.00
Non-Member Price: $325.00



Fundamentals of Packaging Technology-6th Edition

IoPP's Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, 6th Edition contains a reorganized and expanded discussion on sustainability, the circular economy, packaging law, a more in-depth discussion of e-commerce, additional online resources, and updated information on technical considerations, standards, and testing procedures throughout.

If you prefer an electronic edition, click here to purchase the EBook version.

IMPORTANT CPP INFORMATION: If you are earning our Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) designation or recertification, note that the CPP exam now coincides with the Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, 6th Edition. New questions on the updated CPP exam are NOT covered in the Fifth Edition.

Item No: FUND6
Member Price: $299.00 ($205.00 for 10 or more)
Non-Member Price: $325.00 ($205.00 for 10 or more)
In Stock


Better Packaging, Better World - 2nd Edition

The new and revised Second Edition of Better Packaging  Better World invites the professional  to dive into the world of packaging, from the concept of packaging to its final disposition, with expanded content (design, trends, innovations, design, packaging of all types of materials and, finally, the question of sustainability).

Price: $199.00
In Stock


Fundamentals of Packaging Technology-5th Edition

This peer-reviewed packaging guide is the industry’s most sought-after authority on packaging technology. It is a key reference guide in many university-level courses and continuing education seminars, as well as the official text for IoPP’s Certified Packaging Professionals (CPP) Exam.

Price: $285.00 ($195.00 for 10 or more)
In Stock


2022 IoPP Salary Survey

See how your job's salary and security compares to your packaging peers in every industry from food to plumbing.

Elite and Premium members can read the Salary Survey Report free of charge. View your copy now. (member login required)

The 2022 Salary Survey Executive Summary is free all IoPP members. 

Price: $225.00
Available for download after purchase


Packaging Notes from the Design Desk

This hardcover book is a quick and handy desk resource providing guidelines for structural packaging designers—information and notes that Brian Johnston has accumulated during his more than 20 years as an accomplished structural packaging designer.

Price: $69.95
In Stock


Price: $145.00 ($99.00 for 10 or more)
In Stock


Price: $169.00
In Stock


Price: $70.00
In Stock

